Verifying Users

Verify with Imageware Authenticate#

Once the user has installed Imageware Authenticate, registered, and completed the biometric enrollment, the tenant can push alerts to the user through templates. Typically these are requests for verification.

For example, when suspicious activity is detected in the user's account, a verification request is sent to the mobile device or devices registered to that user through the GMI server API.

mobile verification workflow

Alerts are shown as an onscreen notification alert or icon, which the user can tap to launch the Imageware Authenticate app. Notice that iOS notification format varies depending upon the user's preferences configured in iOS Settings.

When the user receives and views a message notification, the verification request is shown. Users can swipe to select the type of verification to perform (Face, voice, etc.)

The user must provide the requested biometric authentication to confirm the transaction.

Server Calls for Sending a Verification Alert to a User#

1. Get Auth Token#

POST {{user_server_url}}/v2/oauth2/oauth/token?scope=SCOPE_TENANT_ADMIN&grant_type=client_credentials

curl --location --request POST '{{user_server_url}}/v2/oauth2/oauth/token?scope=SCOPE_TENANT_ADMIN&grant_type=client_credentials' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {{auth_credentials}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-raw ''
> ### 2. Get User Data by UserID
> `GET {{gmi_server_url}}/v2/gmiserver/person?userId={{user_id}}`
> ```
curl --location --request GET '{{gmi_server_url}}/v2/gmiserver/person?userId={{user_id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}'

3. Send a Verification Alert (message) to a User#

POST {{gmi_server_url}}/v2/gmiserver/tenant/{{tenant_code}}/app/{{app_code}}/template/{{template_code}}/person/{{person_uuid}}/message

curl --location --request POST '{{gmi_server_url}}/v2/gmiserver/tenant/{{tenant_code}}/app/{{app_code}}/template/{{template_code}}/person/{{person_uuid}}/message' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ }'
> ### 4. Get List of User Message Responses
> `GET {{gmi_server_url}}/v2/gmiserver/tenant/{{tenant_code}}/person/{{person_uuid}}/message/{{message_uuid}}/response`
> ```
curl --location --request GET '{{gmi_server_url}}/v2/gmiserver/tenant/{{tenant_code}}/person/{{person_uuid}}/message/{{message_uuid}}/response' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}'