Biometric Engine - API
System Information#
Get LogsGET {bioengine_url}/logs
Gets all biometric and plugin troubleshooting logs in a zip file.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Return Type
Example Request
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Returned biometric logs zip file String.
500 Error obtaining biometric logs zip file String.
Get Template TypesGET {bioengine_url}/template-types
Gets all system-installed biometric matchers
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Return Type
Example Request
Example Response
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Returning Template Types TemplateTypeResponse
500 Error obtaining Template Types BioEngineError
Template Management#
Enroll Biometric samplesPOST {bioengine_url}/persons/{personid}/biometrics
Enrolls one or more biometric samples as a biometric template or directly enrolls a template. Either a list of samples, or a template must be provided.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
- personid (required)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:
Request Body
- body BiometricEnrollRequest (required)
Return Type
Example Request
Example Response
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
201 Template created and enrolled BiometricEnrollResponse BiometricInfoResponse
400 Bad request BioEngineError
500 Enrollment error BioEngineError
Create Biometric TemplatePOST {bioengine_url}/biometrics
Creates templates from one or more biometric samples or directly enroll a template. The template type is specified as a combination of a BioType, and a Biometric Plugin name.
A list of supported Template types can be obtained with the "Get Template Types" request.
A list of samples must be provided.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:
Request Body
- body BiometricCreateRequest (required)
Return Type
Example Request
Example Response
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.
201 Template created and returned BiometricCreateResponse (
400 Bad request BioEngineError
500 Create Template error BioEngineError
Get Person DetailsGET {bioengine_url}/persons/{personid}/biometrics
Gets the details for all enrolled biometric templates for a person.
If there are no templates for the given criteria found, 200 OK returned as a result but with an empty array.The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
- personid (required)
Return Type
Example Request
Example Response
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Returning template information BiometricInfoResponse
500 Error obtaining biometric template information BioEngineError
Get Template DetailsGET {bioengine_url}/persons/{personid}/biometrics/{templatetype}
Gets the details about all enrolled biometric templates of the specified Template Type for a person.
If there are no templates for the given criteria found, 200 OK returned as a result but with an empty array.The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
- personid (required)
- templatetype (required)
Return Type
Example Request
Example Response
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Returning template information BiometricInfoResponse
500 Error obtaining biometric template information BioEngineError
Delete BiometricsDELETE {bioengine_url}/persons/{personid}/biometrics
Deletes all enrolled biometric templates for a person. 200 OK returned even if there were no templates to delete.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
- personid (required)
Example Request
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Template(s) deleted
500 Error deleting biometric templates BioEngineError
Delete TemplateDELETE {bioengine_url}/persons/{personid}/biometrics/{templatetype}/{templatecontext}
Deletes the enrolled biometric template of the specified Template Type and Template Context for a person. 200 OK returned even if there was no template to delete.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
- personid (required)
- templatetype (required)
- templatecontext (required)
Example Request
This API call produces the following media types according to Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Template deleted
500 Error deleting biometric template BioEngineError
Delete All TemplatesDELETE {bioengine_url}/persons/{personid}/biometrics/{templatetype}
Deletes all enrolled biometric templates of the specified Template Type for a person. 200 OK returned even if there were no templates to delete.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
- personid (required)
- templatetype (required)
Example Request
This API call produces the following media types according to Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Template(s) deleted
500 Error deleting biometric templates BioEngineError
IdentifyPOST {bioengine_url}/identify
Performs fast identification searches (1:N) against biometric templates pre-loaded into a cache based on multiple biometric samples and/or templates. If identification fails for a specific biometric sample or template, error details are returned along with the return code "200 OK". If templates are missing, empty placeholders will be returned in their place.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:
Request Body
body IdentifyRequest (required)
Return Type
Example Request
Example Response
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Returning identification results IdentifyResponse
400 Bad request BioEngineError
500 Error obtaining identification results BioEngineError
VerifyPOST {bioengine_url}/persons/{personid}/verify
Performs verification of multiple biometric samples and/or templates against a person's enrolled templates. If individual verifications fail, error details are returned along with the return code "200 OK". If templates are missing, empty placeholders will be returned in their place.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
- personid (required)
This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:
Request Body
- body VerifyRequest (required)
Return Type
Example Request
Example Response
Content-Type: application/json
This API call produces the following media types according to Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
200 Returning verification results VerifyResponse
400 Bad request BioEngineError
500 Error obtaining verification results BioEngineError
Face Match#
Simple Face MatchPOST {bioengine_url}/match
Performs a biometric match comparison between two faces images using Imageware's patented algorithms and returns a pass or fail flag and confidence score: PASS โฅ 48.
The request MUST contain two image files uploaded as multipart/form-data
Image Requirements
Attached image files must adhere to the following parameters:
- Format: JPG / JPEG or PNG
- Dimensions: Minimum 150x150; Maximum 1024x1024px
- File size: Maximum 2MB
Example Request
Example Response
This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header (the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header).
- application/json
Response Codes
200 Returning match score FaceMatchResponse
400 Bad request BioEngineError
500 Error performing match BioEngineError
Cache Management#
Create Cache for All PluginsPOST {bioengine_url}/createcache
Recreates cache files from a database for installed plugins.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Example Request
Example Response
Response Codes
201 Empty body
400 Bad request BioEngineError
500 Error BioEngineError
Create Cache for a Specific PluginPOST {bioengine_url}/createplugincache/{pluginName}
Recreates a cache file from a database for a specific plugin.
The request MUST include an Authorization
header type Bearer Token
where the token is a valid JWT.
Path Parameters
pluginName (required)
Example Request
Example Response
Response Codes
201 Empty Body
400 Bad request BioEngineError
500 Error BioEngineError
Models- BioEngineError
- BiometricEnrollRequest
- BiometricEnrollResponse
- BiometricInfo
- BiometricInfoResponse
- FaceMatchResponse
- IdentifyInput
- IdentifyRequest
- IdentifyResponse
- MatchResult
- MatchResults
- TemplateTypeInfo
- TemplateTypeResponse
- VerifyInput
- VerifyRequest
- VerifyResponse
- match_body
- BiometricCreateRequest
- BiometricCreateResponse
BioEngineErrorcode Integer format: int32
message String
BiometricEnrollRequesttemplateType String
templateContext String
samples (optional) array[String]
template (optional) String
BiometricEnrollResponse- quality Float format: float
BiometricInfotemplateType String
templateContext String
size Integer format: int32
timestamp Long format: int64
BiometricInfoResponse- biometricInfos array[BiometricInfo]
FaceMatchResponseStatus (optional) String
Pass (optional) Boolean
Score (optional) Float format: float
DurationMS (optional) Integer format: int32
status String
score Float format: float
pass Boolean
durationMS Integer format: int32
IdentifyInputtemplateType String
sample (optional) String
template (optional) String
thresholdValue (optional) Float format: float
maxResults (optional) Integer format: int32
IdentifyRequest- identifyInputs array[IdentifyInput]
IdentifyResponse- allIdentifyResults array[IdentifyResults]
IdentifyResulttargetId Integer format: int32
templateType String
totalDurationMS Integer format: int32
identifyMatchResults array[IdentifyMatchResult]
errorCode (optional) Integer format: int32
errorMessage (optional) String
IdentifyResults- identifyResults array[IdentifyResult]
IdentifyMatchResultpersonId (optional) String
personUUID (optional) String
score (optional) Float format: float
errorCode (optional) Integer format: int32
errorMessage (optional) String
MatchResultpersonId (optional) String
score (optional) Float format: float
errorCode (optional) Integer format: int32
errorMessage (optional) String
MatchResults- matchResults array[MatchResult]
TemplateTypeInfotemplateType String
scoreThreshold Float format: float
numSamplesForEnroll Integer format: int32
isInstantiated Boolean
TemplateTypeResponse- templateTypes array[TemplateTypeInfo]
VerifyInputtemplateType String
sample (optional) String
template (optional) String
thresholdValue (optional) Float format: float
VerifyRequest- verifyInputs array[VerifyInput]
VerifyResponse- allMatchResults array[MatchResults]
match_bodyImage1 (optional) byte[] format: binary
Image2 (optional) byte[] format: binary
BiometricCreateRequesttemplateType String
samples array[String]
BiometricCreateResponsequality Float format: float
templatedata String