Enrollments and Verifications

Retrieving Work Items#

One of the primary Imageware Authenticate and the Imageware Authenticate Mobile SDK use cases is to perform user enrollments and verifications. In the Imageware Authenticate Mobile SDK these are referred to as "work items". Retrieve these work items using the MessagesServiceManager.


In order to retrieve alerts or enrollments, you'll need to have the profile registered to the active device.#

To capture the work items, call the renderNextWorkItemIfNeeded function detailed below:


If the user account gets 404s during this call, they have been deleted from the Authenticate service and are removed from the internal profile list.

For simplicity of implementation, we typically roll the InteractionManagerDelegate/Listener into our ViewModel class as shown below.

To see this registration, rendering and callback work in action, check out the example apps.

Getting Work Item Count#

You can get the current count of active alerts and enrollments using the appropriate members of the MessagesServiceManager.

Enrollments Overview#

You can grab the list of enrollments for a profile using the enrolls member of the MessagesServiceManager. Enrollment objects can be useful for displaying the user's current status, and potentially work items that they need to complete.


The SDK will not allow users to verify biometrics they haven't enrolled. For example, an alert that allows the user to choose between face, voice, and PIN will not allow the user to continue with voice if they haven't enrolled voice. Because of this, it can be useful to require users to complete all enrollments before allowing them to get alerts.#